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6 days ago Shared on UpRide: Abused for being in the primary position
6 days ago Shared on UpRide: Abused for being in the primary position
6 days ago Shared on UpRide: Abused for being in the primary position
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1 week ago Shared on UpRide: Abused for being in the primary position
1 week ago Shared on UpRide: Abused for being in the primary position
1 week ago Shared on UpRide: Abused for being in the primary position
1 week ago Shared on UpRide: Abused for being in the primary position

ONE ROAD – It Could Be Me

We're proud of our friends over at @It Could Be Me for all the work they do to promote cycling safety in North America. Here is their latest PSA. Please watch it. Please get involved.

At It Could Be Me our mission is simple: We want to make
roads safer by creating a movement of mutual responsibility and
respect between drivers and vulnerable users of the road.
Let's look out for each other so we can make roads safer

To find out more about how you can help, please visit:

*It could be me was founded in 2019 by Triny Willerton after being hit by a careless driver and was almost killed.

*Some drivers have stopped seeing cyclists as human.

*It could be me is on a mission to change the current narrative and re-humanize cyclists and all vulnerable users of the road.

* The video was filmed in the summer of 2020 in Boulder, CO, following all COVID19 guidelines.

* We need to look out for each other more than ever. We can, and we will make roads safer together.