CycliqPlus compatibility with macOS 10.15 Catalina
Installation changes in macOS Catalina for CycliqPlus
Update: CycliqPlus for macOS is now notarised with the Apple notary service. This document is only relevant to earlier non-notarised releases of CycliqPlus for macOS.
Download the latest CycliqPlus release for macOS from the Software page.
When you download CycliqPlus from our website, you may see a notarization prompt and the installation is blocked. This is a general behavior in macOS 10.15 Catalina for all installer packages downloaded using a browser and not from the Mac App Store.
To begin the installation, right-click the installer and choose Open.
Text version of the installer prompt:
"Cycliq" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information. Safari downloaded this file on August 19, 2020.
Step by step instructions

Adding Cycliq as an allowed app
If you are unable to install CycliqPlus by right clicking Open from the Downloads directory you can add Cycliq as an allowed app.
Add Cycliq to the list of allowed apps by following these simple steps:
- Attempt to open Cycliq, then
- Open the Settings/System Preferences screen from the Dock
- Select Security & Privacy
- Click the Open Anyway button to the right of “Cycliq was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer.”
You can now use CycliqPlus!
If this issue persists don’t hesitate to contact us on Cycliq Support.