What is a bike camera?

As cyclists, when we leave the house, we are aware of our imminent situation. There exists an innate understanding that we are entering a world of pedestrians, animals, children, clowns, bakeries, coffee shops, commercialism, other cyclists……and drivers!

We are under no illusion the world is at peace, or wars don’t happen, that robots aren’t about to take over or that all drivers have miraculously learned to share roads with other road users and pay attention at all times. (Which we can forgive, as we too are drivers and are aware attention is not always 100% on the road ahead.)

And while everybody’s priorities are different; one common trait among humans is the instinct to preserve life.

There are a myriad of new safety products being released weekly and it’s become quite a task to ascertain which is best. Which helmet should I buy? How many lumens do I need on my light? What even is a lumen? What is the camera capacity? How much battery life is enough, or too much? Is my jacket too bright? Am I turning into an annoying cyclist?

A 2020 EY study on the Australian cycling economy estimated 1.7million bikes were purchased in Australia and 3.3million Australian adults cycled at least once per week. Also, “an estimated 69% of Australian cycling consumers would be encouraged to ride more if there was an increased feeling of safety while riding with motor traffic.”

Cycliq was born of the need for reliable and simple to use cycling safety cameras that would give cyclists piece of mind while riding on shared roads. The rear facing Fly6 and the front facing Fly12 Sport are class leading safety assets that once used, are rarely left behind.

After selling over 100,000 devices over the last 10 years, we have a firm grasp on our customers’ needs.

  • Clear footage that captures important details of a ride with friends; or an incident should it occur.
  • Battery life that lasts the length of most rides.
  • And most importantly; maximum simplicity and useability.

We’ve built safety products that satisfy the desires of majority of our loyal customer base, but we’re always looking for ways to improve, and we love feedback.

At Cycliq, we know that riding with a bike camera alleviates some of the stress of cycling on open roads. We strive to continually build products that fit seamlessly into the arsenal of products cyclists rely on and enjoy using for the peace of mind they bring. We understand safety isn’t something we want to focus on whilst enjoying our favourite past time, so it’s paramount the safety assets we choose fit effortlessly into our experience, and are reliable.

Long story short, a bike camera is a dashcam, for your bike. It records the good, the bad and the beautiful on a continue loop and ensures everything is captured. Great for recording memories with friends and invaluable should an incident ever occur.

A picture paints a thousand words. With Cycliq Fly6 and Fly12 Sport you won’t miss a thing.


Learn more about our bike cameras